I thought it would be fun to try another experiment with images. I came across a post on Buzzfeed the other day. You know the kind of posts they do, where they steal images from other websites, and string them together into an inane article while barely giving credit to the source in tiny little letters? This article was about funny posts on Facebook Marketplace, where people are selling things, but aren’t quite sure how they’re spelled.

I took a few of the text descriptions and fed them into the Microsoft Designer ImAI Generated Creator to see what imAI Generated AI would generate to match the text. Here are a few of the better ones:

Arm wall

a_beautiful_arm_wall_for_sale originala_beautiful_arm_wall_for_sale AI version
Source: Reddit

Band joe

OriginalAI Generated
bandjoe originalbandjoe AI

Bob wire

OriginalAI Generated
bobwire originalbobwire AI
Source: Reddit

Excessive Bike

OriginalAI Generated
excessive_bike originalexcessive_bike AI
Source: Reddit

Cats on frying pan

OriginalAI Generated
catsonfryingpan originalcatsonfryingpan AI

Catholic converter

OriginalAI Generated
catholic_converter originalcatholic_converter AI
Source: Reddit


OriginalAI Generated
charles originalcharles AI

Corn or sofa

OriginalAI Generated
corn_or_sofa originalcorn_or_sofa AI
Source: Reddit

Electric Gator

OriginalAI Generated
electricgator originalelectricgator AI
Source: Unknown

3 gear doom buggy

OriginalAI Generated
geardoombuggy originalgeardoombuggy AI
Source: Unknown

Macro Wey

OriginalAI Generated
macrowey originalmacrowey AI
Source: Unknown

Mope head

OriginalAI Generated
mopehead originalmopehead AI
Source: Unknown

My grams abdomen

OriginalAI Generated
legit_my_grandmas_abdomen originallegit_my_grandmas_abdomen AI
Source: Reddit

Portal Potty

OriginalAI Generated
portal_potty originalportal_potty AI
Source: Reddit


OriginalAI Generated
spikers originalspikers AI
Al_Source: Reddit u/extraface_ice


OriginalAI Generated
violent originalviolent AI
Source: Facebook somewhere

Will Barrow

OriginalAI Generated
will_barrow_for_sale originalwill_barrow_for_sale AI
Source: Reddit

Some of these are better than others, but it’s a constant source of hilarity to me both the poor grammar of Facebook Marketplace ads, and the absolute drug induced imAI Generatedry that images tend to be more often than not.